friends global ministries (22)

Hello & Welcome

to Friends Global Ministries

Friends Global Ministries (FGM) is made of members from all walks of life – Natives, Immigrants and multinationals, visiting or living in America. Like Mordechai told Esther, “You don’t know why God has called you at a time like this…”; we believe God wants us to stand in the gap between all people are or have been disenfranchised in one way or another in any part of the world, not only by faith, but in deeds as well. Often, we meet many refugees and immigrants who are like we once were. Some come to our meeting as seekers. Some come out of curiosity. Some come to intercede for others.


Love God, Love People, Love Life!

Upcoming Events

There are currently no events.

Sermons & Teachings

Chapters/Monthly Meetings

Friends form chapters in the various cities to make it easy to connect with those near these areas. FGM Chapters members come from different Quaker background, where they serve thus the fellowships form a uniting force in the cities they exist. The collective activities of the local churches and fellowship form the foundation or backbone of FGM.